Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Need to Boycott Denny Hecker Toyota

If you live in the Twin Cities area, and you are socially progressive or even simply humane, avoid Denny Hecker Toyota. In fact, all of Hecker's Minnesota businesses. This is how our first holiday vacation morning...

--no wait, we are "secular progressives" who can-you-believe-it celebrate Christmas--

Our first Christmas vacation morning was ruined by this alleged business. As it turns out, this dealership is not about Toyota, it is a center for right-wing propoganda.

My husband and I needed service maintenance, so we scheduled two appointments with Denny Hecker. We have used their services for the past couple years. We wait for the vehicles, so we were slated to be sitting there for over 1 1/2 hours.

Every television in the place is tuned to Fox Noise, far right facist "news." After 35 minutes, we asked to have the channel changed to something neutral and less offensive. Two women who came in *after* us

--and who already had watched unions bashed and people like ourselves insulted --

were allowed to say, "I'm watching this," and "This is a democracy" as excuses for continuing to rudely insist *in a public business* that we all listen to right-wing propoganda instead of something neutral like, oh, any other cable channel. There was no vote taken to see if the customers wanted to hear morning propoganda. This business values politics over customers, and feels free to offend any customer who isn't giving the Seig Heil to the president.

It turns out that it is Denny Hecker Toyota's policy to have Fox "news" on. They ruined our morning by setting the atmosphere for a public political confrontation, and we recommend going anywhere else. Please join us on our boycott of Denny Hecker.


prebdog said...
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prebdog said...
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Kari Orth said...
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prebdog said...
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ilovedennyhecker said...
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Benny said...
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Anonymous said...
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burntloafer said...
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MatthewC said...
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DMF said...

As you might guess, the assholes who commented were happy to have a public business be right wing. And sadly, it was the same person, probably a Denny Hecker manager writing them all. Check out the series of posts in the last photo showing they all came from the same place at the same time. Pathetic. That's fine shows your stripes that you can't share public space with a modicum of social skills. We found an awesome progressive car maintenance shop where the TV is on *gasp* CNN or even that biased Animal Planet. We still like Christmas and it will never get ruined again.