Saturday, August 02, 2008

The Cruel Things Conservatives Say to Poor People

Whenever I tell my life story on a social networking website, a story about a conservative, two-parent married family dropping into poverty and getting trapped there due to my parents having serious mental disabilities, I get attacked. My friend, dulios, theorizes that this is because my life story directly contradicts the right-wing poverty ideology. My parents married, went to church, had all children in wedlock, worked, and yet everything fell apart in ways that the 1981 Des Moines Register article could only skim. On a previous blog, I have put my comments together so people can see what I was saying when the comments below were written. Spelling errors are left in:

1) Besides the sick, filthy, intolerant, materialist hate that you constantly propagate, you really seem to have a Stalinist attitude toward the opinions of the Right. How does one acquire such hate? You are a case study on the mental effects of the materialist mindset on an individual. Just transpose that to authoritarian rule, have Hitler, Marx, Stalin, Mao. Not really a happy person, are you, Learning the Hard Blogger? (Blogger's Note: What I did to deserve this tirade was suggest we need to take better care of poor children)

2)tell em to go to work and stop drinking, lazy assholes.

3)you gotta take some responsibility for your life, and not lie on the streets and beg for money because you're drunk all the time and can't work. Most of them had the same chances as I did, as people are equal. If they preferred drinking / drugging instead of learning and hard working (they could always have some fun at the weekend :/) than I have no pity for them. Everyone has to take care of himself. (Blogger's Note: I've learned the hard way over time that Pro Life = Everyone Has to Take Care of Himself). So it seems that conservatives can to see babies be born to watch them take care of themselves from birth to death no matter how ugly things get).

4)Learning the Hard Way Blogger, You are certainly free to buy healthcare for as many children as you wish. Are you overburdened? Have you already bought all the health insurance for the needy that you can afford? Perhaps you could start an organization and raise funds for this purpose. However, I doubt you give to charity as Materialists seldom, if ever, do.

It would be a great thing if free citizens actually felt the duty to work together to help those in need by giving and changing hearts, rather than stealing form those that earned their income and have a right do with it what they please. (Blogger's Note: This person is trying to say that being require to give a portion of one's money to the common treasure to fund government efforts at reducing poverty, disease, illiteracy is stealing. Thus, he also suggests that foster children, disabled people, the ill, etc. are thieves.)

I think you are too intolerant and hateful to find it in your heart to give away 10-20% of your income, that is why you subsidize yur selfishness with your fake bleeding heart. By the way, are you tapped out too? I have some charities I can refer you to volunteer for, if you cannot financially support them. Please let me know. I know you really, really care about people. (Blogger's Note: If my full-time employment were not in itself a form of charity--I am discounting my expertise and time by some $30,000 to work for this helping poor people get college degrees, I am proud to also note that our charitable donations include between 12-20 organizations per year. I do two charity walks, and Meals on Wheels in addition to numerous other small volunteer activities).

5) considering those in poverty in the US are really NOT in poverty and, in fact, have it quite good, I think attention would best be focused toward those in nations where they do not have the good fortune of directing their own outcome. (Blogger's Note: Coming soon a posting of what poverty was really like for at least American family.)

6) Again, Learning the Hard Way, you reveal profund stupidity to suggest I think throwing money at the issue is the answer. It is the direct opposite of my view. TO HELP PEOPLE YOU MUST FIRST UNDERSTAND THE CONDITION OF MAN. Clearly, you do not.

7) This "poverty threshold" was recently adjusted, proving the "idea" of poverty to be a political game more than an objective standard. (Blogger's Note: I will be posting scads of evidence about just why there is not such thing as an objective standard. However, there are standards that have been established

Welfare programs are government prisons. I know this for a fact. It is part of my job to know these statistics and about this issue. So, to listen to ignorant neophytes regurgitate profound ignorance over and over is quite frustrating as it reveals the intent of an empty heart that chooses to continue the never-ending cycle for political purposes rather than doing good for fellow citezens.

8) Why do you use credit cards? Geez. Just bizarre. It is quite simple. If you do not like paying interest, then DO NOT ( let me repeat...DO NOT) use credit cards. Good grief, what lunacy! I'll bet you spend 50 bucks a week on lottery tickets too. ugh. (Blogger's note: I never buy lottery tickets, and the credit cards I did use in my life were to buy food and basic supplies for my brother and sister when I got custody of them in my early 20s, and was a graduate student. The debt is mostly paid down, but it sucks to be so poor you have to pay interest for years on food. Nice to be scorned this way though.)

9)Learning the Hard Way Blogger is a ruthless cad that would seem to want to send all conservatives to gas-chambers if she had her way. She has made abundantly clear her hatred for this country as well.

10)You and Learning the Hard Way Blogger are wallowing in your own hatred and creating division. You love your slum communities. They give you purpose. I despise them and want people to leave them and make something of themselves. That happens one individual at a time, by individuals and groups helping individuals. You and your government have a need for the impoverished to remain so. That is power and it is a gramsci tactic of fascist mobilization and division. Learning the Hard Way Blogger's hatred is the worst case scenario for this division. It is militant hatred and I have no respect for it. (Blogger's Note: This guy is patently insane, but like any street corner preacher a few people waste their time and stop to look)

11) Poor people vote Democrat because Democrats allow them to keep being leeches on society by giving them handouts paid for by honest wage earners. Why work when you can sit around on your ass all day and use the government's power of force to STEAL money from other high-achieving taxpayers? And don't give me this ***** about we kicked them off their land either. I feel bad for their ancestors, but that has ***** all to do with the Native Americans of today."

12)Most Americans can't deal with such frugality but that's their problem. Poor people don't have the right to wear nice clothing and eat out. They should be grateful enough that there's salvation army around the corner where they can pick up perfectly usable clothing. It isn't a rich person's problem or fault that the poor continue to make poor financial decisions. A more wealthier person should not have their wealth "stolen" from them at a higher rate to account for these poor financial decisions. The poor should be expect to live frugally and work to get themselves out of their situation.

13)not all rich people are trust fund babies who take their wealth for granted, just like not all poor people are thieves who will rob you blind when you turn your back. (Blogger's Note: Not all rich people are dishonest and greedy either).

14)But I still have to love how many welfare recipients I have seen with shoes expensive enough to provide everybody in my family with a new pair. Oh yeah those spinner hub-caps look real bitchin while they're driving to the local WIC office to pick up their food checks.

I just love working my fingers to the bone so my tax dollars can help them out!!! Wake up you young idiots...Some day you will have a family and you will work your ass off and you will wonder why you do without while others get a free ride...And then you will move from the left to the center of political issues.

15)Poverty is a symptom of a greater disease: Laziness. Sure, there's some circumstance involved, but someone born poor will remain poor unless he decides to do something about it.

16)***** the poor. It's their own fault.

17)The reality is that the hard working and smart are propping up the lazy and useless. It's time this stopped. (Blogger's Note: Yeah, woo, rah. Cheer the endorsement of letting these people just die, damn useless people with disabilities.)

18)It's like raising the minimum wage. It's ***** low for a reason, you're supposed to IMPROVE your own lot in life -- not wait for some lard ass in Washington to vote you a raise. (Blogger's note: see my entry on my dad, the Vietnam war enlistee, who developed schizophrenia and lived a life on minimum wage jobs. He deserves lifelong lowpay according to this lovely commenter).

19)The Dems are basically taxing people who worked hard for their wealth, so that poor people who contribute nothing to society can buy more clothes and sideckickv3's. Im not even lying...(Blogger's note: see multiple previous blog entries with regards to our daily lives in poverty)

20)Survival of the Fittest, I say. (Blogger's note: Cool, so if a zygote can't convince its mother to to keep it, it was unfit.)

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